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Maktabetehran;these days The week ending on Sunday, August 7, 2022

Maktabetehran;these daysThe week ending on Sunday, August 7, 2022Registration for the new course of educational workshops of Jalal Tehrani continues.The new course "Intensive Playwriting Workshop":A course of this one-semester workshop started on Wednesday, July 20.Registration for the new course of this workshop has also started. The workshop focuses on writing a long script by the students.Other educational workshops of Jalal Tehrani...

"MaktabeTehran; these days" The week ending on Sunday, July 31, 2022

"MaktabeTehran; these days"The week ending on Sunday, July 31, 2022 Registration for the new course of training workshops of MaktabeTehran/Jalal Tehrani  on going.Intensive playwriting workshop:A course of this one-semester workshop started on Wednesday, July 20. Registration for the new course of this workshop has also started. This workshop focuses on writing a long play by students.Other Jalal Tehrani’s training workshops...


According to Theatertimes, the latest play performed at the Harold Pinter Hall is an adaptation of Louis Ferdinand Celine's scientific drama, Dr. Semmelweis. This performance is an adaptation of Celine's novel, written by Stephen Brown and Mark Rylance, and Rylance himself plays the lead role. Brown's adapted character goes through a dramatic process of discovering the rules of disinfection, but the highlight of this performance...

First Death memorial of Jalal Satari

First Death memorial of Jalal SatariJalal Sattari was an Iranologist, mythologist, writer and translator. He undertook his university studies in Switzerland, where he also got his PhD degree. Swiss psychologist Jean Piaget was amongst his supervisors. Jalal Sattari wrote some 71 books on anthropology, mythology, and psychology. He died on july 31 2021, in Tehran. From his series of notes:The language of the theater is a special...

Tehran School; These days(1st week of july)

Maktab Tehran; These days(1st week of july)practical part of the theater directing workshop of Tehran School Festival was held. The 11th Tehran School Festival is coming and will be held in October.This festival is held with the presence of theater groups of school students. Eleven groups, directed by eleven students of Jalal Tehrani, are rehearsing their plays for the festival in the theater directing workshops of the school. The actors...

the second Novi sad theater will be held for seven days

According to Theater Times, the second Novi sad theater will be held for seven days for children and teenagers with the participation of groups from Germany, Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, Macedonia and Spain. The performances that are staged in this festival include various types of performances such as animation, puppetry, and theatrical performances. The directors of this festival have not set their goal only to discover talents. Besides, they...
