Theater is the main work of Maktabetehran. Theater is a structure of structures, therefore producing theatrical works have gathered different people together with various specialties. Such as directing, play writing, acting, graphic, photography, designing, architecture, light designing, music, film making as well as researchers of these fields. Maktabetheran has produced many artistical works in all mentioned fields, the reports are available on the website. and

Maktabetehran is certified as an educational institute named Maktabemoaser. Faculty of Maktabetehran is responsible for holding, training courses, festivals and workshops. The beginning of the activities was in 2010 with holding Theatrical courses which have been held with different titles such as Character, Mise - en – scene (stage direction) and etc.
Between 60 and 140 trainees have attended in weekly and daily courses (Directing, dramatic writing, acting, etc.) with permanent trainers. In each course different trainers with various specialties have presented a lesson about the course subject (from different aspects). By the end of the course, during a festival, students could perform their works on the stage. Acting trainees could cooperate with directing trainees and play writing trainees performed a play reading performance on the stage. The Graphic trainees tried to design posters and brochures for the performing works. Finally in the closing ceremony the best works were chosen and awarded by the trainees’ survey.
Graphic workshop is instructed by “Maziar Tehrani”. More than 1000 posters, brochures and other advertisement products have been produced by this department. Some of them are available on this website.
Maktabetehran publication, at first started to work with publishing the plays of Jalal Tehrani. The first published book was “Nostalgia” which includes two plays (Professor Position and Young Generation Guide).
Maktabetehran studio is a place for the students to use for their works whenever is needed.
Theater Hall
Maktabetehran Theater Hall was founded in 1395. So many performances have been held there such as Theater Play, music, book show, conferences and festivals. Maktabetehran Hall has 30 seats and the depth of the stage is 8 meters. There are two makeup tables on the walls of the stage which go hidden during the play. The salon is acoustic and designed by voice trap panels as well as 20 light lines that are controlled by controllers and dimer lights. This hall is appropriate for the amateur plays. There have been many works of Jalal Tehrani on this stage since 1393 like, “The silver”, “Around the world in 80 days”, “Elementary Hamlet” also some works of the students have been performed there.

Many events have been held by Maktabetehran, one of them to be mentioned is review of the works of Jalal Tehrani. In this event which is permanently performed, the film of the plays are shown on the screen for the audience. The plays like “The Tank”, “Single Cells”, “Listen to the sound of the earth”, “Cinderella” and “The season of hunting kites”.
Maktabetehran Hall has been the stage of other events and festivals like, “Monolio”, “Nimkat”, and the first play reading of Radi foundation.
Forty Literary Prize
Maktabetehran in 1394 held a prize named “Forty” which was given to writers between 35 and 40 years old with at least 3 published books in the field of fiction. Similar prizes have been held in other countries but in Iran and other Persian countries, this is an innovation of Maktabetehran. It doesn’t mean that this age and these writers are the best, we just try to help the interaction and cooperation between young writers and other artists, considering that if they read and criticize each other we will have a better view of the future society.

Book Café
Maktabetehran bookcafe was founded in 1392 in the field of books, music, handy crafts and artistic works. It is still working in Maktabetehran building.