Hey big man, don't cry
2003. 2004
Performance in Entezami hall, The Artists Forum, 2003 Performance in Fajr festival, Molavi hall, 2003 Public performance in the main hall of City Theater, 2004.
This play, with fourteen months of practice and a gigantic and costly décor. remained on stage for only twelve nights. In a remote area of a war - stricken land, just a few hundreds of citizens are still alive. The area comes under attack by chemical weapons at 8 p.m. , and except for a single child, who also narrates the story, everyone gets killed. However they would remain unaware of their own death until the next dawn. Regarding the number of its appearance on stage, this play holds the place of the most largely - attended play in the history of the main hall of City Theater since its opening in the 70's.