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آثار تئاتر: آثار جلال تهرانی
سال: ۱۳۸۱


This play is written based on the combination of popular humors and the first Iranian play entitled " Jafar khan has returned from Europe". Hassan Moghadam the writer of " Jafar khan has returned from Europe", visited the ancient Egyptian tombs in his youth and thereafter was diagnosed with tubercolusis as a result of exposure to infectious bacteria abounding the subterranean chambers. A little while later he passed away and was burried in Switzerland. Nefertiti takes place in Akhenaten's tomb. The encounter between Hassan Moghadam , Akhenaten and the characters of " Jafar khan has returned from Europe" results in a comedy which was hailed by a wide range of audience. This play with a year of rehearsal and a month of nearly sold-out shows, as Jalal Tehrani's first step on the stage, generated a group of his permanent fans. The actors of this play had an average age of less than twenty.



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