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Maktab-e-Tehran;these days The week ending on Sunday, September 18, 2022

Maktab-e-Tehran;these days

The week ending on Sunday, September 18, 2022

Registration for the new course of educational workshops of Jalal Tehrani continues.

The new course "Intensive Playwriting Workshop":

A course of this one-semester workshop started on Wednesday, July 20.The new course of this workshop will start in October.The workshop focuses on writing a long script by the students.

Other educational workshops of Jalal Tehrani that are available for signing up include: 

Theater directing theory online workshop. which is held in one semester And it starts in October.

Theoretical theater course workshop that is held in a 36-session period.

The online playwriting workshop, which is held in a long-term course of six semesters, is now signing up for the first semester.The comprehensive set of acting training under the title "Fourth Acting Course of MaktebeTehtan" is reserving and pre-registering.

The new (third) session of the one-session and online workshop on cinema analysis: this workshop is supposed to be held once a month. The third session of this one-session class will be held on Saturday, October 18, and its topic is the examination of the structure of the film Autumn Sonata by Ingmar Bergman, along with an attitude towards his films. The lecturer of this workshop is Ali Javidan.

From the series of analysis workshops, registration for another one-session workshop has also begun: the play analysis workshop.This workshop is held monthly, one single session every month. The first time is dedicated to the structural analysis of the play "Macbeth 2001" by Jalal Tehrani. This meeting will be held on Monday, September 19th, and its lecturer is Ali Javidan.

In addition to the intensive playwriting workshop that was mentioned that started on July 20, other educational workshops are currently being held in the Maktab-e-Tehran:

Two courses of drama writing workshop. One of these courses is being held in the fourth semester, and the other with a combination of fifth and sixth semester students.

Two acting theory workshops, one in the first semester and the other in the second semester of their class.

and two face-to-face acting classes, one in the first nine months of their class and the other in the second nine months.Last week, the second acting class ended. In the coming weeks and after the end of the festival, the third period of this class is going to be held.

Another workshop that is being held is the practical workshop of directing the festival. which is explained in the next paragraph. The exercises of the eleven groups of students to participate in the “Maktab”  festival is ongoing. The finale of this festival will be held in October, in the “Maktab-e-Tehran”  hall with the participation of the directing, acting and playwriting students. The selected works of the festival will have the opportunity to publicly perform in the “Maktab” hall. 

The eighth session of the "rehearsal presentation" sessions of student theater groups was held last week on Saturday, september 17. .In these meetings, student theater groups present new parts of their exercises to Mr. Jalal Tehrani.  Directing students receive the necessary tips. Acting students, who are going to act in these groups, in addition to receiving tips in these meetings, continue their learning in their own separate classes (Thursday and Friday acting workshops) under the supervision of Jalal Tehrani.

The presentation session of student theater groups will be held next week, and after that, the closing of the festival will be held. At the end, each group will perform three times in the school hall of Tehran.