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Alfred Hitchcock; An Author

When a man narrates almost the same story over the course of thirty years and through fifty films - the story of the conflict between existence and evil - and in line with this single line, he maintains the same style that is basically and in an exemplary way based on exposing the characters and submerging them. Their performance is based on the mental space of their passions, I think it is hard not to accept the fact that for once we are in the presence of a person whose existence is very rare in this industry; A filmmaker.

I must add that sometimes it happens to me when I see and re-see his works, I still have the same feeling that I have when reading the works of supposed authors like Dostoyevsky or Faulkner. The feeling of being in a space that is aesthetic and moral at the same time, a place of white and black, shadow and light, this common art is the same as the novel and cinema, I mean mise-en-scene. Better than the story itself, they express the heartbreaking secret that the characters have deep in their hearts.